Rumours are rife that Malawi’s representative in the just ended Big Brother Africa The Chase, Fatima Nkata, has hooked up with Uganda’s LK4 in a serious relationship.

The development comes hot on the heels of allegations that LK4’s relationship with South Africa’s Koketso is on the rocks after the Ugandan hunk discovered she had been cheating on him with a South African boyfriend.

However, Koketso’s followers in South Africa has turned the heat on Fatima by positing foul comments on Fatima’s twitter account accusing her of snatching LK4.

When interviewed both parties were reluctant to confirm but they all gave hints there was something between them.

In a phone interview with Times Group entertainment desk from his temporary base in South Africa on Wednesday night, LK4 admitted that his relationship with Koketso was over.

About his relationship with Fatima he hinted that there is no smoke without fire.

Read the full story by Kandani Ngwira in tomorrow’s Weekend Times including what Fatima said.#BBATheChase

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