The 2014 race to hooking the seat of Mulanje West for the incumbent Patricia Kaliati seems to be filled by many potholes as the Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) has pounced on her over allegations that she was involved in corrupt activities in 2009 to help her win her parliamentary seat.

According to the ACB, Kaliati, a minister then used her power to see to it that pupils were admitted into Secondary Schools they were not selected to under the pretext of them being ‘needy’. However, reports say that the pupils were not only needy but also had failed their exams, a prerequisite for their entrance into the Secondary schools.

It is further alleged that Kaliati used the enrollment of the pupils as a campaign tool for her to hook the Mulanje West constituency she has held since her first entry into active politics from 1999.

Kaliati, a part of the (in) famous midnight six that is answering charges of treason among others, is also rumored to be under investigation for corrupt activities when she was the minister of tourism.

The current corruption case, meanwhile, enters the courts on October 1 at the Blantyre Magistrates Court where she has to take plea.

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