Rejection is hard. Being told “it’s over” by the person who always claimed to love you is hardest.

A 29 year old man in Zomba committed suicide after being told it’s over by his lover.

In a letter addressed to the lover before taking his own life, Alex Mualidi of T/A Malemia in Zomba, wrote of how the lover had broken his heart and how he had learned his lesson that some people were only beautiful on the outside and wicked in the inside. He further wrote that he had settled for taking his own life so that the lady should always remember him.

According to a relative of the deceased, Chifukwa Chikondi, Maulidi was found hanging in his bedroom after the family decided to check on him since he had missed both his lunch and breakfast.

A postmortem released by the Zomba Central hospital indicates that Maulidi died from suffocation caused by the hanging.

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