In an unprecedented act, President Joyce Banda last night announced that she has dissolved her cabinet with immediate effect. According to a press release from the state house, the president exercised her powers as conferred by the constitution in sections 94 (1) and 95 (2).

The press release further said that all matters that need ministerial attention should be referred to the office of the President until such a time that the President will have appointed a new cabinet.

President Banda’s decision came just 24 hours after she had arrived in the country from the US where she had been attending the UN General Assembly. The decision also followed a peaceful street protest by some citizens under the leadership of the Consumers Association of Malawi who demonstrated in the city of Lilongwe carrying placards which, among them, was one that demanded of the President to fire her entire cabinet.

While in the US, the Malawi nation came to a slight disturbance with reports of cash looting happening at the Capitol Hill in the Capital city of Lilongwe. At the further emergence of the cash looting reports, some cabinet ministers started to be mentioned along the lines of some shoddy activities.

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