Consumers Association of Malawi (CAMA) boss, John Kapito, who was earlier calling for the resignation of the state President, Joyce Banda, and suggesting that in her place a body be appointed to run the country to the 2014 elections has made a U-turn on his earlier call.

In an interview monitored on Zodiak Broadcasting Station (ZBS), Kapito said that looking at the time left before the 2014 elections it is not probable to call for the resignation of the President.

“It is only eight months to the elections and we certainly think that the call for the President to resign will just destabilise the country. Let us wait for her to finish the eight months and then the Malawian people can better judge her,” he said.

In the same interview, Kapito put it to Malawians that it is hard to trust Malawian politicians especially if they are finding it hard to declare their assets.

He further argued that the President should not be shifting all the blame to the pasty regimes as the ball has now fallen in her court.

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