Ex-urban musician who has gone to Gospel music, Armstrong Kalua, went to heaven yesterday, October 30. According to the artist, God took Him to heaven where He showed him a great book in which he removed some names from it, apparently of sinners.

The musician who dramatically turned to God before his ex-label, Ndefeyo entertainment, dragged him to court for MK 4 million, claimed:

“GOD TOOK ME TO HEAVEN IN THE SPIRIT TODAY : I went to heaven and he showed me an altar, on top of that altar I saw a big “BOOK”. Beside the alter stood an “ANGEL” and he was writing and removing names from that book, I saw many pages and many names being removed and few pages and few names being added by the ANGEL, in my heart I was astonished and my mind was full of thoughts and immediately I heard a VOICE like the sound of a TRUMPET, calling me and the voice said “MY SON YOU HAVE SEEN RIGHT, THAT’S THE GREATEST BOOK AMONG ALL BOOKS OF THE HEAVENS AND EARTH” in this book dwells all names of those people who pleases me and do my will, and GOD continued telling me that those pages you saw being removed by an angel are the BELIEVERS, doers of my word and my true ways who still choose to sin against me, so I have no choice but to remove them from my sight and the book of life.

“And the few pages you saw being added by an angel, that’s the number of PEOPLE who are truly giving their lives to me on EARTH even though they are few I still have no choice but to write their names in this “BOOK OF LIFE”, so that I should prepare their place when they come here as I promised. LISTEN MY SON AND LISTEN GOOD, he said : remember what I wrote in the bible, “The first shall become last and the Last shall become first” TELL MY PEOPLE TO REPENT IN THIS TIME OF MY GRACE. IF THEY WON’T LISTEN TO YOU, LEAVE THEM I KNOW THE PUNISHMENT I HAVE FOR THEM, TOGETHER WITH SATAN AND HIS DEMONS.”

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