PP master of castigation, Uladi Mussa, has faced a backlash from the various corners of the Malawi society over his attack on MCP President, Lazarus Chakwera, labeling him as the Biblical Jonah and a foolish Galatian.

Mussa, not new to the castigation game, has been fined by the Blantyre High Court over his loose mouth after he castigated UDF candidate, Atupele Muluzi, and is yet to pay the money pending an appeal he made over the ruling.

After his ridicule of Reverend Chakwera who had to quit as Assemblies of God president to lead the MCP, some Malawians took to the social media to lambast the unrepentant Mussa who has become an asset to only JB and her cheerleading team but not a darling of many Malawians.

“Listen, Mr Mussa. Go do your research and find real issues you would want to put on the table as bona fide criticism of this candidate. You are not only doing your party a disservice – as you are virtually rendering yourself irrelevant for failing to talk substance – but you are also denying the common man the chance of knowing the real issues that could help them decide who to vote for. Let me help you on your way,” wrote one commentator in reacting to Mussa’s sermon.

Another commentator added:

“The problem of having recycled politicians. Their brains went into sleep mode way back.”

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