The affidavit.
The affidavit.

One of the men contracted to take the life of Budget Director, Paul Mphwiyo, has confessed to the Police that businessman Oswald Lutepo promised them MK6 million for the head of Mphwiyo. In an affidavit that FaceofMalawi has in custody, the hitman, Charles Chalunda, has denied taking part in the shooting but has made shocking revelations as outlined below:


I CHARLES CHALUNDA,of Private Bag 67,Blantyre MAKE OATH and SAY as follows:

  1.  Thematter of fact deponed herein are within my knowledge and I believe the same to be true.
  2. In July 2013,I was approached by MACDONALD KUMWEMBE in Blantyre to assist him in executing a plan to steal money from someone in Lilongwe.
  3. In August 2013,we hired a car and got our friend ROBERT DIFULIYA to drive us to Lilongwe.
  4. When we arrived in Lilongwe we met OSWALD LUTEPO at Bwandilo in Area 47,Exhibited hereto and marked “CC1” is a copy of a photograph of OSWALD LUTEPO.
  5. At Bwandilo,we got into OSWALD LUTEPO’s motor vehicle,a red Nissan Pathfinder,MACDONALD KUMWEMBE and OSWALD LUTEPO started discussing what we were supposed to do.
  6. During the discussions,I discovered that what OSWALD LUTEPO wanted us to do was to kill someone.
  7. OSWALD LUTEPO gave us a photograph of the person we were supposed to kill and that person being PAUL MPHWIYO.
  8. OSWALD LUTEPO gave us MK 150,000.00 to buy a gun that we would use in executing the job and MK 600,000.00 as part payment.
  9.  The agreed amount for the job was MK 6,000,000.00.
  10. When I returned to Blantyre,I bought a gun that we were to use for the job.
  11. A couple of weeks after the first meeting,we again met OSWALD LUTEPO at Bwandilo and gave us MK 2,000,000.00 towards the agreed amount for the job.
  12. This time around we were shown where PAUL MPWIYO lives and the places where he likes to go and socialize,such as Africana and Chameleon.
  13. The plan was to one day attack PAUL MPWIYO on his way back to his house.
  14. OSWALD LUTEPO advised us not to kill PAUL MPHWIYO at his house because there are CCTV cameras on the premises and we could be easily identified.
  15. A week later,after this meeting,we met OSWALD LUTEPO at Bwandilo and gave us MK 1,000,000.00 towards payment for the job.
  16. It was on this day that we were supposed to attack PAUL MPWHIYO.
  17. Unfortunately,after being given the MK 1,000,000.00 a Police Officer by the name of CHILINDA saw me sharing the money with my friends.
  18. I advised my friends that we should abort the mission as the police officer could easily track us after the attack.
  19. We did not execute the job as we advised OSWALD LUTEPO that we had been spotted by a police officer and we were going to arrange another day to execute the job.
  20. A week after we aborted the job,I heard that PAUL MPHWIYO had been shot.I was not involved in the shooting and the gun I bought was not used in the shooting.
  21. On all occasions when MACDONALD KUMWEMBE,ROBERT DIFULIYA and I met OSWALD LUTEPO he was unaccompanied


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