Trouble is brewing in the ruling Peoples’ Party with the recent appointment of Chris Daza as the new minister of good governance just after hours after he had defected to the party from opposition Malawi Congress Party.

Information sourced indicates that some old guards in the party are apparently incensed with the appointment and feel betrayed. The anger has been more fueled with the reports that the President is considering Daza as her running mate in the 2014 tripartite elections.

It has been alleged that President Banda has opted for Daza as a running mate so that she garners support from the Central region where Daza comes from so as to weaken the strength of the MCP in the region and steal some votes from Chakwera and thereby strengthening her own base.

The running mate of the PP Presidency has been associated with many names especially in view of the fact that people have already thought that current Vice President Khumbo Kachali will not be considered for the post.

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