Pika Manondo, one of the suspects in the shooting of Paul Mphwiyo, who is in police custody had a rude awakening Yesterday when he was shunned by the courts over his bail application.

Manondo, who also has a brother remanded in Prison by the Police over the same charges of shooting, once fled the country but had to return after some time of being a fugitive.

When he returned, it was alleged that he was being pressured by the Police to implicate ex-minister of Justice, Ralph Kasambara, and thus strike a plea deal so that he gets away with any crime that might be hanging over his head. However, Manondo is said to have denied it and from there the VIP treatment that was being granted to him was withdrawn and a persecution followed.

Yesterday, when his bail application had to be heard, there happened to be no judges at the Lilongwe High Court willing to hear his application and, thus, he was taken back to Prison.

His lawyer said he was fighting to be given another day.

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