Former Finance Minister in the Bingu wa Mutharika regime who was applauded for a better financial management before the economics went to the dogs after his firing, Goodall Gondwe, has retired from his self-imposed political retirement.

Reports indicate that Gondwe who had indicated that he was not going to contest in the 2014 elections in his Mzimba North constituency has made a u-turn after constituents in the area requested him to do so.

In the primaries that had to be held in the area, Gondwe went unopposed and will, therefore, contest in the 2014 elections as a Member of Parliament.

Gondwe served as well in the government of President Joyce Banda but for a stint. He left it after he was arrested by the same government on the grounds that he was part of the crew that wanted to take over government.

They are now answering charges in court.

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