A few months ago, the Peoples’ Party (PP) were in town demanding the head of one Jessie Kabwila to resign from the University of Malawi for being involved in active politics after she was roped into the National Executive Council (NEC) of the Malawi Congress Party (MCP) as its spokesperson.

However, Kabwila refused to resign and cited some other examples of University staff in mainstream politics who had not been forced to resign of which the College of Medicine’s Prof. John Chisi was one of them.

Meanwhile, the PP has found itself mirrored in the same controversy as the person who won its elections in Nkhata Bay North West constituency is Mercy Kaunda, an assistant registrar at the Mzuzu University, another public University.

For now, one can be certain that PP through its vocal deputy spokesperson who has also lost in the primaries and was in the forefront calling for Kabwila’s head, Ken Msonda, will keep quiet.

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