Malawi’s economy is plunging, if on the face it can manage to pretend then the reality on the ground is speaking otherwise.

Hardly a week after the International Monetary Fund (IMF) declared that Malawi was the worst performing economy in the world after the war-ravaged Central African Republic, reports have started emerging of South African shops who have found it too hostile to manage business in the country that was not long ago said to be the fastest growing economy just after the oil-rich Qatar.

Reports on our desk indicate that South African shops in Lilongwe have started closing down for no reason given to its employees.

From the information that FaceofMalawi has gathered, Spar and Mr. Price shops have already closed shop in the Capital and thereby sending home its employees.

However, the strange thing is that the versions of the same shops are still operating in Blantyre, the Commercial Capital.

Lilongwe, once considered the hub of money, has suddenly run dry of cash after the blowing up of the Cashgate scandal.

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