The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) has announced that it is coming to Malawi this month-end for their African debate programme, this time around it will be on the issue of the youths and unemployment.

According to an announcement from the veteran broadcasting station that covers almost the entire earth, this time around their programme will be targetting youths between the ages of 16 to 25 and the programme will be conducted in Blantyre at a venue yet to be announced.

The programme is expected to take place on January 30.

The last time the BBC were in Malawi was upon the invitation of former head of state, Late Bingu Wa Mutharika, at the time his regime had gone worse. Mutharika was awarded a full one hour on the BBC’s Focus on Africa show and had to take phone calls from other sectors of the society.

Meanwhile, the BBC has advised all Malawian youths resident in Blantyre and willing to participate to write them at outlining their contact details.

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