Peter Mutharika must come back, the party he left behind has its own scandals and, as one who was in the forefront calling for the return of President Banda from the US when the Cashgate scandal blew up, he must just come back.

A press release from the former ruling party, Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), indicate that the party’s seal has grown wings and has gone missing such that it cannot be traced.

The development has forced others to speculate that the party will be forced to disband if the seal will not be found as it cannot hold any ‘legal’ political activities with the missing of the seal.

According to the speculations, to replace the seal or change it, it would need that the original trustees of the party be willing of which it appears to be a far-fetched idea as some of them are out of the party and are in the current ruling Peoples’ Party (PP) — an archenemy of the DPP.

Meanwhile, the President of the party is still in the US with unconfirmed reports claiming he will be back this week. His stay outside has already irked some supporters of the party.

Dpp seal

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