Misonzi Chanthunya, the man suspected to have murdered his Zimbabwean girlfriend, Linda Gasa, will not be extradited back to Malawi to face the long arm of the law, government says.

According to reports in the media, government claims that the MK 21 million needed to have Chanthunya extradited is on a higher side which they cannot afford.

Chanthunya is alleged to have killed his girlfriend in 2010 before burying her in his cottage in Mangochi. He was later discovered but managed to sneak his way out of Malawi and into South Africa. However, as fate would have it, Chanthunya was arrested in South Africa where he fought against his extradition.

Chanthunya has, however, lost the case in which he was fighting against the extradition and just when people thought that justice will finally be done to the Gasa family, the Malawi government has come in with the shocking news that it does not have the money to extradite Chanthunya.

The Malawi government is reeling from a financial crisis after donors closed their taps of aid following the plunder of cash at the Capitol hill known as the Cashgate scandal.

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