The Economic Empowerment Action Group-EEAG has predicted that the local economy will normalize later in the year after the tripartite elections in May.
The forecast comes after weighing the possibility of the donors coming back after elections in a bid to support the new government.
The economic empowerment advocators who have been decrying government’s inattention to heed to its advice on the need to empower local businesses, also believes that the cash gate revelation will reduce the rate of stealing from government coughers that will make it easier to utilize public resources.
Speaking in an interview with MIJ FM, EEAG’s Executive Director Tedson Chinjala said his grouping is certain of this considering the fact that it has been a tradition for donors to support a newly formed government in the country.
Said Chinjala.“The cash gate has revealed that Politicians are the ones messing things in this country.
“They are busy accumulating worth for themselves at the expense of the ordinary Malawians.” Chinjala said.
He said Malawians should expect bright future in two to three years.

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