The house of the Peoples’ Party (PP) still lie in shambles as reports continue emerging of how the party has been rigging or allowing rigging to take place in favour of their preferred candidates in some constituencies.

While in Blantyre rural east it has become clear that the party has always wished to see one Henry Phoya reclaim the seat, some more damning revelations have come from the home district of the President, Zomba.

According to a complaint FaceofMalawi has in its custody, the Peoples’ Party sanctioned the rigging of the elections by the incumbent of the area, Jeniffer Chilunga Ndaferankhande, who has eventually lost his steam on the people of the constituency.

A source who opted for anonymity wrote FaceofMalawi complaining the manner in which the primaries in the constituency were held.

It is said that on the day of voting, among others, Chilunga Ndaferankhande saw to it that some other ineligible voters had voted. Further to that, she had been using maize as a bait; eventually, the maize had been from the party for hunger relief and was to be used by the PP shadow MP who was to win but through some other ways, Chilunga Ndaferankhande accessed the maize and said that it would be given only to those who would cast a vote for her.

When the issue of the irregularities were raised to the presiding officers, they had promised the people a re-run. However, later they came back with a tune changed declaring Chilunga Ndaferankhande a winner. Other quarters are speculating that there was money that exchanged hands for the presiding officers to change tune.

Meanwhile, some of the members of the party in the Zomba Nsondole constituency have asked their members who lost in the primaries to stand on an independent ticket and have pledged their support towards the same.

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