Peoples’ Progressive Movement (PPM) has agreed that it does not have the muscle to go to the 2014 tripartite elections and, thus, the party should settle for an alliance with any other party that has similar ideologies like it.

The decision was arrived at yesterday when the party held a convention. The convention saw the founder of the party, Mark Katsonga, retaining his seat unopposed.

It was after the voting for the various positions of the party that the party settled for an alliance. Since its founding, the PPM has not had the courage to approach the general elections on their own but have always ridden on the backs of other parties.

The party, however, has not yet disclosed which party they will be in an alliance with or if it is them that will approach the party to partner with or they will wait to be approached by the other party.

This week, a brother to the PPM leader who is also the President of Chipani Cha Pfuko, Davies Chester Katsonga, announced that only an alliance of UDF and MCP together with his party would take the reigns of power from President Joyce Banda.

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