I would like to thank all members of the press here present for your attendance to this Press Statement.

After wide consultation and spiritual reflection I hereby announce my resignation from the Malawi Government cabinet as Minister of Transport and infrastructure Development with immediate effect.
I further announce my resignation also with immediate effect, as both a member and Vice President (South) of the Peoples’ Party.
I have already tendered both my resignation letters in this regard to her Excellency The State President Dr. Joyce Banda.

I will be calling for a press conference in the near future to speak on the future of my political career. At that stage I will gladly take all your questions.

In the interim I ask of you the press to respect my right to privacy as a private citizen whilst I spend this time with my family.

I would like to take this opportunity to firstly thank God Almighty for blessing me and granting me the opportunity to serve the people of this wonderful country.

I would also like to thank my family, friends, members of the media, the people of the LowerShire and all those who have played any positive role in my political career whether big or small and pray for God Almighty to bless you all.

God bless our President Dr. Joyce Banda
God Bless Malawi
Thank you.

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