Ruling Peoples’ Party (PP) is ready and willing to stop DPP leader, Peter Mutharika, from standing as a Presidential candidate for his party in the forthcoming May tripartite elections, FaceofMalawi understands.

According to the information we have, the party has plotted to use the green card issue to bar the young Mutharika from standing and, therefore, leave DPP stranded at the eleventh hour.

It is alleged that the party has connived with some people within the electoral commission to not receive the nomination papers of Mutharika owing to the grounds that he holds an allegiance to a foreign country and, therefore, not fit for the Presidential race.

However, it has also been said that if that deal flops then the party will eventually be forced to obtain another legal recourse which will see the delay in the submission of Mutharika’s papers as they will challenge his nomination in court on the same grounds of holding a green card.

Meanwhile, on the other part, DPP is as well strategizing that should the electoral commission bar their candidate then they will obtain an injunction against the time span of receiving nomination papers until after the matter is sorted out in court.

If these fights are going to take place, elections in May might not take place.

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