The Mr. Ten point plan, Dr. Mathews Chikaonda, will be the running mate for United Democratic Front (UDF) candidate, Atupele Muluzi.

According to the information that has leaked to us, Muluzi has settled for Dr. Chikaonda as the person to be besides him on the ballot paper. It is said that Muluzi has settled for Chikaonda as one with a vast experience in the economics sector and his plan is that the name will bring him more votes.

“For Muluzi it is not only about the region, it is more of economics since he knows that the woes of the nation as at now are in the economy sector,” wrote a commentator.

Chikaonda once served as the minister of finance in the Bakili Muluzi regime where he earned himself the name Mr. Ten Point Plan after introducing what he called a ten-point revolutionary measure for the turn-over of the economy.

Meanwhile, it has been indicated that Muluzi will unveil Chikaonda this coming Saturday as his running mate.

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