Malawi Electoral Commission chairperson, Maxon Mbendera SC, this morning digressed a little from the issue that was at hand after receiving nomination papers from the DPP President, Peter Mutharika.

Speaking after the DPP President had delivered his address, the MEC chairperson indicated that on the issue of the Green card, though it was no longer an issue now after the DPP leader had surrendered his to the American embassy, the commission had enquired from legal brains and they had gotten an answer that it was not an issue to make one barred from standing for Presidency.

“I would like to address the nation that the commission sought independent legal advise on the issue of the green card……. These distinguished lawyers independent of each other advised the Commission that the holder of a green card cannot and should not be barred from contesting as President of the country,” said Mbendera from a thunderous applause from the DPP faithfuls that had filled the COMESA hall to capacity.

The MEC chief further indicated that the Commission operates independently and does not take any orders from anybody and, therefore, people should not be afraid of interference.

Though seeming to be of little consequence, the remarks by Mbendera will eventually be used for future reference in case of any Presidential material hoping to stand for Presidency.

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