Police at Kanengo in Lilongwe on Monday arrested Panombo Banda ,55,for allegedly exhuming a body at Mgoma graveyard .

Kanengo Police Spokesperson Salome Chibwana yesterday confirmed of the arrest.

 Banda , who comes from Kachimbeza  Village,T/A Khombeza  in Salima, was arrested at around 7 pm.

” The man was sported by women who were passing by the graveyard . At first they thought it was a dog, but after noticing that it was a man, they reported the issue to the community. He was caught red-handed exhuming a body “, she said.

Chibwana claimed  Banda confessed  upon interrogation that he wanted to find a Market for the premature  baby.

The baby was  buried last Friday after a woman miscarried a six-month pregnancy.  

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