Despite that the leaked Cashgate forensic audit report has made no mention of names of people that were involved in the Cashgate scandal, some people have pieced together the puzzle and have come up with the names.

Below are the names as supplied by a Facebook character, TheChief Mourner, unedited:

“NAMES OF CRIMINALS, WHO MUST BE ARRESTED, IMPLICATED IN THE FORENSIC AUDIT REPORT (Charges: Deliberate negligence, gross incompetence, conniving with cashgaters, facilitating cashgate payments, fraud, money laundering, theft etc)

Office of President and Cabinet
• Her Excellency President Joyce Banda – Minister responsible for Office of President and Cabinet (OPC) and the Civil Service (theft under her watch, main beneficiary, PP President which benefited through cars etc)
• Hawa Ndilowe – Controlling Officer for OPC (personally liable to theft that occurred in Civil Service under her watch)
• Joster Njanji – Controlling Officer for Finance at OPC (already arrested – personally approved looting of K3billion)

Ministry of Finance
• Ken Lipenga – Minister (already fired but must be arrested – theft occurred under his watch)
• Radson Mwadiwa – Secretary to Treasury (personally approved FRAUDULENT transfers of funds to foreign companies)
• Dr. Madalitso Kabambe – Budget Director (personally approved funding to cash-gating Ministries amounting to K1.8billion from April 2013 to July 2013) He is now at Ministry of Health
• Paul Mpwhiyo – Budget Director (oversaw the plunder amounting to K11.8billion between July and Septemberand personally signed and authorised the FRAUDULENT transfer of close to K31.9billion to freign companies

Accountant General
• David Kandoje – Accountant General (personally co-signed the ‘cashgate bus cheques worth K560million’ and cheques over K425million which were deleted in IFMIS without checking authenticity)
• Kazombo Mwale – Deputy Accountant General (personally co-signed and Authorised K2.6billion which was deleted in IFMIS)
• Madzi – Assistant Accountant General (personally co-signed and Authorised K8.4billion K6billion of which was deleted in IFMIS)
• Kaizo – Chief Accountant (personally co-signed and Authorised K4.9billion which was deleted in IFMIS. He was arrested but is back in Office)
• Ndovie – Chief Accountant (personnaly co-signed and Auothorised K3.8billion which was delted in IFMIS)
• Kapokosa – Chief Accountant (personally co-signed and authorised K1.7billion deleted in IFMIS)

IT Department (DISTIMS)
• Moses Chiwoni – IT Systems Administrator, gave rights, CONNIVED and FACILITATED deletion of transactions.
• Kamanga, Chitowe, Mfutso, Filisa, Database administrators who facilitated access to IFMIS database to enable deletion of transactions.

Reserve Bank of Malawi
• Charles Tchuka – Reserve Bank Governor personally facilitated and DELIBERATELY ignored warnings of ILLICIT cash withdrawals from Commercial Banks of close to K13.1billion
• Grant Kabango – Deputy Reserve Governor for Supervision of Financial Institutions personally facilitated and DELIBERATELY ignored warnings of ILLICIT cash withdrawals from Commercial Banks of close to K13.1billion
• Fraser Ndwazika – Director of National Payments Systems personally facilitated and DELIBERATELY ignored warnings of ILLICIT cash withdrawals from Commercial Banks of close to K13.1billion

Ministry of Tourism
• Rachel Mazombwe Zulu – Minister (theft occurred under her watch and personally benefited from the looting)
• Tressa Senzani – Principal Secretary (already arrested)

Ministry of Local Government
• Grace Maseko – Minister (theft occurred under her watch and personally benefited from the looting)
• Chris Makileni Principal Secretary

Ministry of Water
• Ritchie Muheya (theft occurred under his watch and personally benefited from the looting)
• Erica Maganga – Principal Secretary


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