Prophet Austin Liabunya who has been a darling of many Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) die-hards for declaring in almost unequivocal terms that their leader, Peter Mutharika, will win the elections has gone back on his earlier prophecy that Mutharika is the one to lead Malawi after the May elections.

Prophet Liabunya has appeared on the Mutharika owned galaxy FM to declare that God had showed to him that a brother to a former President would be Malawi’s next leader and had, thereby, implied that it was Mutharika who would emerge the winner.

It has been alleged that the man of god had sought an audience with the younger Mutharika and it was granted to him last week when the prophet was driven to Mutharika’s residence in Lilongwe and it was after that audience that he received a new instruction and prophecy from God.

Writing on his Facebook page, Liabunya indicated that Malawians will have to suffer again because someone decided to refuse to obey him, a servant of God.

He wrote:

“Just woke up from watching a video of May 20 elections, im (sic) just amazed of (sic) who will win, contrary to people ‘s expectations, suffering again bcoz (sic) someone chose to loose (sic) the already God-given opportunity simply by choosing to disobey His prophet(Liabunya).”

The words of Liabunya have been construed to mean that the prophet meant that Mutharika has lost his opportunity to be the country’s President because he has disobeyed Liabunya on whatever it was that they agreed.

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