Islamic Religion has threatened to take unspecified action to stop government from using Moslem women dancing in Islamic attire at a political rally.
Muslim leaders most of them anti governing party –PP were not happy after spotting women dancing while in HIJABS at a political rally – which according to Islamic faith the supremacy of the fabric is beyond a circular event.
However, following the religion’s observation that there has been no improvement on their initial plea- they have re-launched a collective campaign against the Act.
Speaking when Islamic organizations met in Blantyre over the weekend, Muslim Association of Malawi, Muslim Supreme Council of Malawi, Islamic Concern and other thirty four Islamic organizations strongly opposed the Act.
Sheikh Yasin Katungwe of Muslim Supreme Council of Malawi –said Muslims will hold special prayers for it.
“We know that some weak Muslims who are followers of PP are knowingly letting women disobeying the Quran in doing this unaccepted thing.
“We will of course deal with this in a right manner; we will hold prayers and let Allah intervene in the issue.” Katungwe said.
Speaking in an interview later, Chairperson of Muslim Women Association of Malawi Fatima Ndaima also expressed dismay with the situation and has since advised her fellow women to heed to advice from sheikhs.
“As a chair lady, I am advising my fellow women to follow the teachings of the Quran as it openly prohibits a woman from dancing on public in front of men anyhow- and more especially in Islamic attire.” Ndaima said
Meanwhile, Presidential spokes person on political issues Wakuda Kamanga has on MIJ FM that the Joyce Banda administration will not stop accommodate these women as long as they are willing –saying they have a right of association.

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