Democratic Progressive Party(DPP), National Director of Women, Patricia Kaliati on Sunday was forced to leave at the rally before time by angry villagers in Ntcheu.

The villagers chased away the Mulanje Parliamentary over the remarks which they deemed  inappropriate.

Director of Operations and fieldwork in the DPP, Ben Phiri who has just been appointed, assigned Kaliati to take charge of election campaign in four districts of Ntcheu, Balaka,Chikhwawa and Neno.

The campaign meeting took place in Chipinga Village (Group Village Headman Harry) in  TA Ganya’s area. In her speech Kaliati castigated the ruling People’s Party and at the same time praised  DPP.

“Do you eat a lock? You can’t; You eat Maize”, said Kaliati.

Kaliati went ahead in blasting the ruling PP and its readership by saying they had failed Malawians in as far as food security is concerned.

The crowd did not want any more insult, arguing that lately, there was enough food on the market and at household level.

“It started with murmurs of disapproval from the sizeable  crowd. Then when the murmurs grew louder, Kaliati was forced  to retake her seat as she could not communicate anymore.

“In an attempt to calm the situation, Kamwendo inflamed the already volatile situation when he insisted that Kaliati be given an apportunity to speak further. The people demanded Kaliate should go, instead.Under heavy security, she was whisked to her car which speed away. It was aparent if she stayed on, she could have been manhandled by the angry villagers”,said DPP Ntcheu Bwanje District Committee member who witnessed the invent.

This is not the first time Kaliati to be involved in controversy

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