The ruling People’s Party (PP) has pulled out from  Presidential running mate debate accusing  Zodiak of favoring Malawi Congress Party Candidate.

The debate  organized by Zodiak Broadcasting Station (ZBS)  dabbed ‘Question Time Malawi’ brings together running mate from four major political parties which include, Malawi Congress Party (MCP), Peoples Party (PP), Unite Democratic Front (UDF) and Democratic Progressive Party (DPP).

The first debate was held two weeks ago at Bingu International Conference Centre  in Lilongwe.

Confirming the development, one of the officials from People’s Party, Paul Maulidi blamed the organizers of not leveling the playing field for the debate.

“We were given specific seat for our supporters to witness the debate but we were surprised to see the whole room occupied by MCP supporters.

“We as PP feel that the organizer would like to advance the agenda of certain political party  “, he said.

In his response, Managing Director for Zodiak Mr Gospel Kazako said them feel the debate was done in a transparent manner.

He however admitted some failures saying they are learning since they are just starting.

Meanwhile Kazako has assured Malawians that the next debate scheduled to take place on Friday 21 2014 at Comesa Hall is on, despite the pulling out of People’s Party from the race.

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