United Democratic Front, (UDF) Presidential torch bearer,  Atupere Austine Muluzi on Sunday assured Malawians who gathered at Njamba Freedom Park that he is ready to govern this country.

He said this during the launch of the party’s manifesto at Njamba Freedom Park in Blantyre where thousands of people graced the occasion spiced up with live band performance.

“I am ready to govern Malawi.When I started the agenda for change people said that I was young,osapola pamchombo. But I am telling them that the young person will be President of Malawi in May 2014″, said Muluzi.

UDF manifesto include a pledge to introduce social protection policies which will see people without sources of income getting paid and introduction of universal fertilizer subsidy  instead of the coupon  system  being currently used.

In the health sector Muluzi’s son said he was disappointed with the congestion  at Queen Elizabeth Central Hospital (QUCH) and he pledged to construct another referral hospital to ease the pressure.

The function also was graced by UDF veterans notably, Ziliro Mumba and Peter Fatch who served in Atupele’s father regime.

UDF is the second party to lunch its manifesto after the ruling People’s Party a head of the forthcoming tripartite elections.

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