Barely three days after United Democratic Front, (UDF) holding a successful  launch of the party’s campaign and Manifesto at Njamba Freedom Park in Blantyre, the party took the launch into the eastern region of the lake shores of Mangochi which is believed to be the stronghold of the party.

UDF Presidential torchbearer in the forthcoming tripartite election, Atupele Austine Muluzi promised the huge cloud that turn up for the event at Mangochi old Airport that once voted into power he will construct the New Airport in the area.

He said this on Wednesday.

The young Muluzi said Mangochi  as a tourist destination needs a boost in its infrastructure.

“When we get into government , the UDF will build a new Airport hear in Mangochi”, he said.

He further told the gathering that the new UDF government will expand Mangochi District Hospital.

“We are going to expand the hospital here and make it a referral hospital in this region”, Muluzi promised .

The UDF aspirant who is vying for third term Mr Clement Chiwaya urge people in Mangoch to desist from political violence and politics of castigation.

The event was spiced up by several dances including live performance by a country’s renown Musician Luscious Banda and Zembani band.

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