Malawi Electoral Commission (MEC) has announced that voter Verification which was suspended just a day after its commencement due to what MEC called logistical challenges  will resume on 9 April  this Week.

MEC  in its announcement said   they have worked on the inconsistencies that were discovered in the voters roll and are now ready to resume the voter verification exercise.

The first phase of the exercise is set to start on 9th to 13th April, with the councils of Nsanje, Chikhwawa, Blantyre City, Blantyre District, Mwanza, Neno, Chiradzulu, Phalombe, Thyolo, Luchenza, Zomba City and Zomba district

MEC  further said the dates for other phases will be announced at a later date.

The suspension attracted  tension as many Malawians doubted the credibility of the forthcoming tripartite election which is scheduled for May 20.


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