The government of Malawi has turn down  the K3 million donation by United Democratic Front (UDF) Presidential hopeful Atupele Muluzi to help in procuring drugs in the country’s major referral hospitals.

Ministry of health spokesperson confirmed of the development in an interview with a local media house in the country.

The  young Muluzi who is one of the strongest contenders in the forthcoming tripartite election made the pledge in Mzuzu at a political campaign rally.

In his speech Muluzi said:

“I was ashamed to read this morning newspapers that doctors at Queen Elizabeth Central Hospital are having to pay for essential medicines from their own pocket because government is broke due to misuse, theft and abuse of resources. I believe it is the same at Kamuzu central Hospital and Mzuzu Central Hospital”.

Ministry of Health spokesperson Henry Chimbali when turning down the three cheques, he said  the timing of donation was not the right one and he urged Muluzu and all political parties that they should put aside their donation until the polls.

This is not the first time the government of Malawi has turn down the donation from opposition political parties. The government also turned down the Maize that Democratic Progressive party wanted to donate at Chichiri Prison.

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