As all people were drawn to Edingeni over the weekend to attend the first ever wedding of the crown prince M’mbwelwa five who got married to Beauty Munthali, people who gathered at the ceremony were left with questions without answers as to why Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) leader professor Author Peter Mutharika  did not show up or even send a representative.

 At the time of the event, DPP and its leadership was holding a campaign rally at Masintha ground in Lilongwe.

Of late, one of the DPP Official (George Chaponda) was quoted by MCP President as saying “DPP can win the May 20 elections without people from the north”.

The statement was vehemently denied by Chaponda and he dragged MCP president to court.

The colourful wedding was graced by the Head of state Joyce Banda and her running mate,Sosten Gwengwe, the dropped Vice President Khumbo Hastings Kachali, Malawi congress Party (MCP) Presidential torchbearer Dr Lazarus Chakwera and representative of other political parties.

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