Barely a day after president Joyce Banda graced the wedding ceremony of the crown prince Mbwelwa five, the people’s party, (PP) dated Mzuzu with a campaign and manifesto launch in style where they started with a parade of the Banda’s achievement in two years.

 The launch took place at Mzuzu Stadium on Sunday.

 In her speech Banda took time blasting the Opposition Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) which is seeking a comeback, saying it failed to solve the economic challenges that Malawians faced during the rain of the late Professor Bingu Wa Muntharika.

 “In fact the International Monetary Fund (IMF) is happy with how I have ruled Malawi in the two years I been at the helm. They are also happy with how I have stopped the pilferage of government funds [which started in 2005 under DPP rule],” Banda said.

 Banda further blasted other presidential candidate who have not tasted any position in politics like being MPs, saying what are they going to do once voted into Presidency.

 The campaign launch was spiced up by Music performances by celebrated artists Skeffa Chimoto, Joseph Mkasa and the famous JB Sisters.

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