Roads authorities are calling for bids from potential consultants to conduct an audit exercise on all government funded road projects that run in the 2013/2014 financial year.

The exercise, to be implemented by the Roads Fund Administration (RFA), is planned to be conducted in a space of two months.

It comes as various government departments and institutions are being audited following the massive plundering of tax payer’s money at Capitol Hill.

It also comes against the background of some uncompleted and delayed road projects despite being fully funded.

In a statement, the RFA management says the initiative is aimed at providing assurance to the RFA board that all road works and services done in the 2013/2014 year were procured transparently .

The exercise will start soon after the authorities identify consultants, the statement indicates.

Some of the big road contruction works currently in progress include the Limbe-Zomba road in the southern region, which commenced some years ago.

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