Members Savings and Credit Co-operative Society limited (SACCO) in the north especially in the district of Karonga have threaten to go on street if the government does not give back the money it owes the grouping.

The government owes the grouping money amounting to K100million.

The revelation was made during the SACCO  Annual General Meeting held at Maghemo Secondary School.

“Malawian government was supposed to give us seven million kwacha every month because they cut salaries of SACCO members who have a loan with us but the whole 2013 we haven’t received our money yet.

“We have tried to talk with government on this issue several times to at least give us our money but till now we have no respond. For this reason the whole northern religion SACCO members have agreed that we have to demonstrate on 12 May 2014 to give our complaints to Ministry of Education to show them that what they are doing is negatively affecting us,” said SACCO’s northern religion Director Kennedy Moyo.

Also present at the meeting was Paramount chief Kyungo who also pleaded with the government to release the money.

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