Opposition Political parties yesterday left behind their political differences and jointly called upon Malawi Electoral Commission(MEC) to make sure that the forthcoming tripartite election is free from rigging.

The call was made during the final round of Presidential debate organized by Media Institute of Southern Africa (MISA) Malawi chapter  with funding from Open Society Initiative for Southern Africa Which was held at Victoria Hotel.

The first to make the call was Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) Presidential torchbearer Peter Mutharika  and he said:

 “We expect to be the winners but in the unlike event we don’t win, MEC must make sure that there is a level playing field and there is no rigging.

“ Let Malawi people choose who is going to be the  winner.”

On his part, Atupele Muluzu of United Democratic Front (UDF) before putting forward his call he expressed hope of winning the election.

“UDF also believes we are winning the elections. One of the most closest fought election and one of most important elections.”

“I join my colleague (Mutharika) in asking the Malawi Electoral Commission to ensure the process leading to and after the election is transparent, free and fair,” he said.

MCP president  Dr. Lazarus Chakwera and other Presidential hopefuls followed suit in asking MEC to make sure the election is free.

This debate was the third and final for Presidential hopefuls  as the country prepare for the first ever tripartite election to be held on May 20.

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