Two People’s Party (PP) bigwigs have come out from their cocoons and defend their allegiance to the ruling party, saying they don’t have any intention to join any party as speculated.

Rumours hovered in the social media that Home Affairs Minister Uladi Mussa and Deputy campaign director in PP, Ken Zikhale Ng’oma are on the move to defect and join the former ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP)lead by Professor Peter Mutharika.

Speaking in an interview with Face of Malawi,Zikhale Ng’oma said:  “I cannot dig my own political grave by leaving the winning ticket of PP and President Banda last minute. That would be political suicide”.

Concurring with Ng’oma, Home Affairs Minister said: “There is no way I can join DPP which heading towards political dustbin after the elections. This is the elections for President Joyce Banda to get her own mandate and we are ready to help her develop this country.

 “DPP should see how we are going to develop this country and not their autocracy and stubborn leadership”.

 The forthcoming tripartite election is first test for President Joyce Banda who ascended to power following the death of President Bingu Wa Mutharika on April 5 2012.

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