Despite the country hosting the first ever tripartite election tomorrow, Ministry  of Local government  and Rural Development (MoLGRD) has openly said May 20 is not a public holiday.

The Ministry has said this through a Press statement released on May 19 2014 signed by Kester E. Kaphaizi, Secretary for the Ministry.

” The Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development (MoLGRD) wishes to inform the General Public that tomorrow 20th May, 2014, though being a Polling Day, is NOT a Public Holiday at all.

“However, the Ministry would like to appeal and encourage all Government Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs); Private Sector Organisations; Non Governmental Organisations (NGOs); and all business
owners to make arrangements and allow their employees and subjects to go and vote”, reads the statement.

Meanwhile the Ministry has wished all Malawians a peaceful, free and fair Tripartite Election.

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