Dedza has been one of the severely affected districts in today’s voting –some centers were still waiting for voting materials by 2:30pm.

This, according to reports has demoralized the voters to the extent that most of them were contemplating of going back home.

The MCP stronghold, where the veteran politician and former party leader John Tembo hails from, has been hit by incidences similar to those in Blantyre where serial numbers and other voter information were missing.

In Dedza, it was reported that different centers were mistakenly supplied by opposite voter rolls and other irregularities, a situation which is taking so long to be resolved.

Unlike some Blantyre natives, the prospective voters in Dedza have been calm and Faithfull- with no cases of violence.

In Mangochi, some parts of Mangochi North East have just started voting 30 minutes ago due to same reasons.

One of the reasons that delayed the actual voting in the area is that they were waiting for the ballot boxes.

This almost made the officials in the area to use plastic pales instead of ballot boxes.

However, in Ntcheu, there were no major threats, as the citizens are peacefully exercising their right to vote

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