Vice President Khumbo Kachali has narrowly managed to secure a seat in Parliament in his Mzimba south west constituency after flooring an independent candidate. Kachali who was standing on a PP ticket but had endorsed DPP candidate Peter Mutharika was staggering through the way but after a vote count it has proven that Kachali has won his way through.

In Balaka North, musician Soldier Lucius Banda has sailed through to Parliament after defeating DPP leader Mutharika’s girlfriend, Gertrude Maseko, and PP’s Tony Ngalande.

Banda is bouncing back having had been earlier expelled in the Parliament for not having proper documentation.

In a related development, musician Lawrence Mbenjere’s first attempt at going to Parliament has hit a snag after he has been floored by an MCP candidate. Mbenjere joins the company of former Vice President Cassim Chilumpha and his room mate in College Fahad Assan who have as well fallen face flat in their Nkhotakota South constituency.

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