2014 A.D is a very important year for the Republic of Malawi because of mainly two things:

  1. 2014 marks the 50th year that Malawi started being governed by its own laws and people free from British Colonial Rule
  2. The 2014 Malawi Tripartite Election is the first of its kind since the fall of the one party regime under the Malawi Congress Party (MCP).

As our democracy matures and people start to develop a deeper trust of the free and fair democratic process birthed by the Greeks, looking at the 2014 Malawi Election, one can only see that there is still more ground to cover especially in how we organize the one event that people died and fought for just to have the right to participate in a vote. We have to applaud the Malawi Electoral Commission for one thing though, 92% of the total polling centres witnessed peaceful and calm voting across the country. However, we cannot sit back and smile while knowing that many were disenfranchised by the organizational chaos overseen by the almighty MEC to whom the gods whisper as to who will rule our lands for the next five years. 3 days of voting even if it’s only the small 8% that have to have two or three fingers dipped in ink because ballot papers and other voter materials were in short supply on the promised date is a travesty in the modern day.

That being said, we’d like to congratulate in advance the new President of the Republic of Malawi and the whole nation and pray to a better election process in the future. Amen

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