Journalist and diplomat to the Malawi embassy in London, Britain Kondwani Bell Munthali has come out of the cocoon to hit at President Joyce Banda labeling her mad.

In a Facebook post made after the irrational decision of President Banda to cancel the elections, Munthali indicated that President Banda is being mad by attempting to rape the constitution.

“As a Malawian diplomat I can’t serve under nor do I agree with such mad decisions. If she sticks around I hereby pronounce that I Kondwani Bell Munthali Second Secretary to the Malawi High Commission in London do not recognise her as a President. Malawi is bigger than an individual, two years ago we said no to constitution rape, I repeat here and publicly the will of Malawians should be respected,” posted Munthali.

A former personal assistant to the outgoing Vice President Khumbo Kachali, Munthali is a veteran journalist who was working with the Nation Publications Limited.

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