A Recount of votes will happen in Malawi for the Presidential, parliamentary & local government elections. According to MEC commissioner, Emmanuel Chimkwita Phiri, in most centres, the number of votes cast are more than those that registered. In a press conference done by mEC today at 9:30pm. MEC says it had a meeting with parties today and agreed that a recount to take place. Commissioner Chinkwita Phiri addressing the issue of President Joyce Banda’s proclamation, said the commission will continue with its activities as they have a stay order and will proceed to count the votes, the MEC and parties will reopen the ballot boxes and do a manual audit.

MEC will not abandon current vote counting but chose to recognize election anomalies serious enough to mount a manual audit to verify the elections after comparison with what is being captured. As at 9pm today, Mec has captured 62% of the results. The media asks the absence of MEC Chairperson at the presser. Chimkwita says Mbendera is very much around. Recount will be done in Mzuzu, Lilongwe and Blantyre where ballot boxes have been stored for safe keeping. Vote recount may take up to a month but Mec says it wishes this should not be the case

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