Malawi Defence Force (MDF) wishes to categorically refute the tirade allegations and propaganda spreading in the social media and other forms of communication that it is contemplating to take over the political leadership of the country, is aligning itself with some political parties and that we would like to interfere with the work of the Malawi Electoral Commission (MEC) due to the stand-off in the electoral process. This is not only false but also unfortunate in that it implicates the Defence Force which over the years has striven to remain professional, apolitical and accountable to its citizens. Spreading misinformation about the MDF roles and functions does not honour our soldiers. Further, it puts the lives of innocent citizens we are called to protect at risk. all for the sake of political posturing.

We note with regret that some quarters have so far attempted to impute political involvement of the Malawi Defence Force in the current situation. We wish to inform the general public that MDF is guided by its constitutional roles under Section 160(1)(b) of the Republic of Malawi which provides among others that the MDF shall “Uphold and protect the constitutional order in the Republic and assist the civil authorities in the proper conduct of their functions under the Constitution.” MDF shall continue to maintain the highest standard of discipline  and military professionalism while portraying apolitical character at all times. This means that the MDF will not give preferential treatment to anybody when discharging its duties . The MDF’s obligation is therefore to constantly defend and protect the country and its people without political interference.

It is common knowledge that up to date, the result of the elections has not yet been officially announced and this has created some political and security tension in the country. We do realize that at this time many individuals and political groups have their emotions and anxieties running high and are bound to make statements that might be irresponsible. We would like to urge all stakeholders and the media to refrain from making such statements. The MDF remains a neutral organization and it is therefore important that it is seen in that light to avoid causing unnecessary confusion and despondency. We further remind all political parties to refrain from dragging the MDF into issues that have political connotations because such statements run the risk of the military being easily misconstrued as partisan.

The MDF acknowledges that the Malawi Electoral Commission has the constitutional mandate to independently conduct elections in this country and as such it could never interfere with its duties and functions. The MDF will therefore continue supporting MEC in its operations. The MDF further acknowledges and respects the independence of the Judiciary and will as such never interfere in any judicial process. MDF recognizes and acknowledges that the Republic of Malawi is governed by civilian and not military authority and will therefore not at all times involve ourselves in politics.

Lastly, as MDF we want to assure all Malawians that:

• We will neither take over the rule of the Republic of Malawi nor influence any political decisions on the leadership of the Republic of Malawi;
• We will not and do not wish to interfere with the constitutional functions of the Malawi Electoral Commission;
• We would ensure the protection of the Republic and guard against all threats to the safety of all people in Malawi at all times;
• The imputations and allegations that have been leveled against MDF are baseless and unfortunate and must be disregarded. Further we urge all those that are responsible for and even contemplate to disseminate such imputations and allegations to desist from doing so;
• The Malawi Defence Force would like to assure all Malawians that the country is safe and secure and that they should remain calm throughout this period and go on with their day to day undertakings;
• Finally, Malawi Defence Force will protect and uphold the constitutional order in the Republic of Malawi.

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