The ruling People’s Party (PP) Deputy Publicity Secretary Ken Msonda has threaten to drag to Court former Justice Minister Ralph Kasambala for defamation.

 Msonda said this Yesterday.

 Kasambala is being accused of spreading the news that Msonda was beaten at a fracas that erupted Yesterday in Nyambadwe after residence discovered a Presidential ballot box for Chilomoni, dumped in the area.

Writing on his facebook page Kasambala said:

Happening now, people in BT intercept truck which dropped some ballot boxes from Chilomoni on its way to hide or destroy them. Ken Msonda beaten by angry people right at BT police station. Demo to start any time“.

 But Msonda vehemently denied being beaten.

“Do I look or sound beaten? Nobody has beaten me on the scene of the ballot box at Nyambadwe or at police station, ask the people who were on the scene they will tell you the truth, I know its Ralph Kasambara who is behind this bad publicity, he wrote on his facebook page that I was beaten by angry people at the police station which is a blue lie, I will sue him for defamation; said Msonda.

The first ever tripartite election has been locked with massive irregularities leading to other political parties disputing its credibility.

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