Malawi Congress Party (MCP) Presidential torchbearer in the controversial tripartite election has conceded defeat and congratulate the newly elected President Professor Author Peter Muttharika of Democratic Progressive Party (DPP).

Dr Lazarus Chakwera said this today joining the outgoing President Joyce Banda of People’s Party (PP) and United Democratic Front (UDF) President Atupele Muluzi.

“We congratulate and wish the new President well. We play for him and our country and may God continue  to bless malawi and keep it a land of peace”, said Chakwera.

Chakwera while conceding defeat he described the election as flawed.

“In making announcement the Chairman of MEC stated that “some of the Commissioners of MEC expressed reservations at some of the results as received by MEC” but stated  that the due process that had been followed  did not  allow them to satisfy themselves by way of recount.

“We  believe we did not lose. The system failed us and all this happened in full view of all Malawians and the World. And we believe that Malawians would still have loved to know what really happened. we now bow down to the present situation and say let us move on. Let us keep peace”, he said.

Meanwhile MCP President has  thanked his followers for the support rendered to him.







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