Police at Chizumulu Island have arrested seven student of  Chizumulu Community Day Secondary School for allegedly applying buffalo-beans in classes to disrupt the just ended Primary School Leaving Certificate (PLSC) Examination.

Police Publicist Sub-Inspector Robert Mhango confirmed of the development in an interview with one of the local radio station in the country.

The incident happened at Chizumulu CDSS which is the cluster centre for Malawi National Examination Board (MANEB).

The alleged students applied the buffalo-beans in rooms on the wee hours of Tuesday May 26 and it was discovered during the time students were suppose to start to write the first paper of the Exams.

The development forced the Malawi National Examination Board (MANEB) officials at the Island to shift the centre to the other side of the Lake-shore [Summy pvt] and exams started very late.

Meanwhile the students have been released on bail

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