Former Vice President Khumbo Hastings Kachali has urged the ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) to desist from practicing politics of regionalism.

Kachali said this through information posted on his Facebook page.

“I reminded my colleagues that as they say the past is for us to learn from, DPP and its leadership should avoid its obvious past mistakes and the recent mistakes by our own PP administration.

“The DPP regime should resist and avoid among other things: Nepotism where ONLY members of one tribe are given all influential positions including a cabinet dominated by members of one tribe; Awarding almost ALL Government contracts to one business person”, reads the statement.

The statement further said: The DPP should also desist from mismanaging our relationships with our traditional partners, new friends and especially our neighbours; Destabilising the macro-economic environment which will result in forex, fuel, basic commodities, medicines etc being unavailable”.

Meanwhile unconfirmed reports indicate that DPP is hunting the services of Kachali.



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